Horn’s Honour: Bull Taming and it's Gratified Culture
Mattu Pongal, the day which is celebrated by the farmers who get their bulls ready for “bull-taming” On 16th of January, the crowd was gathered at “Sooriyur” where the continuous sound of a commentator saying “Bull wins like a bullet through the boy’s” and so on.
That was the 1st time I was witnessing this event and will be the last time to ever miss it. This culture is continued over 100’s of years and over thousand of conflicts have been raised against this heritage, but the blood which is soaked with the culture and the pride made everyone to stand together and against the conflicts\problems. Just 3years back PETA had us this close from banning our culture where only #nammaoorujallikattu #jallikattuprotest And many more hashtags made PETA understand the importance of this event but we should thank PETA for helping us create such a historical event of us gathering ❤
The Pongal festival is an identity for the Tamil origin people, not only in Tamil Nadu all over the world, people celebrate this as equal to their birthday’s or even more. The festival is celebrated for three day’s starting from burning the old to the bulls which ferociously run through the grappling of warriors.
Once a Tamil farmer said
“Bulls aren’t the one in our sheds, they’re in our family photo”